Keeping up with solid long hair requires a blend of good hair care rehearses and a sound way of life. Here are a few definite tips:

      Written by Abdul Malik

1. **Diet:** Your hair's wellbeing begins from the inside. Consume a fair eating routine plentiful in nutrients and minerals, particularly biotin, nutrients An and E, and iron. These help hair development and strength.

2. **Hydration:** Drink a lot of water to keep your hair and scalp hydrated. Parchedness can prompt weak hair.

3. **Proper Washing:** Don't over-wash your hair, as it can strip regular oils. Utilize a gentle, sans sulfate cleanser, and condition your hair routinely.

4. **Protect from Heat:** Limit the utilization of intensity styling apparatuses like level irons and hair curlers. On the off chance that you should utilize them, apply an intensity protectant first.

5. **Trim Regularly:** Customary trims (each 6 two months) assist with forestalling split closes and keep up with hair wellbeing.

6. **Avoid Brutal Chemicals:** Cutoff the utilization of cruel substance medicines, for example, fading and perming, as they can harm the hair.

7. **Gentle Handling:** Be delicate while brushing and detangling your hair. Utilize a wide-toothed look over or a brush intended for wet hair to keep away from breakage.

8. **Protect from UV:** Delayed sun openness can harm hair. Use UV-defensive items or wear a cap when in the sun.

9. **Silk Pillowcases:** Silk or silk pillowcases can diminish rubbing and assist with forestalling hair breakage while dozing.

10. **Use Hair Masks:** Apply profound molding hair veils once every week to support and hydrate your hair.

11. **Avoid Tight Hairstyles:** Tight hairdos like interlaces, braids, or cornrows can cause weight on the hair and scalp. Pick looser styles whenever the situation allows.

12. **Reduce Stress:** Constant pressure can influence your hair. Practice pressure decrease procedures like yoga, reflection, or profound relaxing.

13. **Scalp Health:** A sound scalp advances solid hair. Keep your scalp clean and consider utilizing items with fixings like tea tree oil or aloe vera to alleviate any aggravations.

14. **Avoid Over-Processing:** Attempt to limit the utilization of hair colors and synthetics. Assuming you should variety your hair, pick smelling salts free choices.

15. **Supplements:** Counsel a medical services proficient about supplements like biotin or collagen in the event that you have explicit hair concerns.

16. **Exercise:** Customary activity can further develop course, which can help your hair follicles.

17. **Sleep Well:** Get adequate, quality rest to permit your body to fix and recover hair cells.

18. **Avoid Smoking and Inordinate Alcohol:** Both can adversely influence hair wellbeing.

19. **Avoid Abrupt Changes:** Show restraint; hair development takes time. Stay away from successive changes in hair care schedules or hairdos.

20. **Consult a Professional:** On the off chance that you have persevering hair issues, consider counseling a dermatologist or trichologist for customized exhortation.

Keep in mind, hereditary qualities assume a huge part in hair length and quality, so don't be dispirited in the event that your hair doesn't develop insofar as you'd like. Solid practices will assist you with taking advantage of what you have.